Hair Loss Treatment

About Hair Loss Treatment

Treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine

The growth of technology has meant that people now spend more time on their laptops, watching television and surfing smart phones then doing outdoor activities. Furthermore, as per serval surveys conducted recently an average Indian spends around 4 to 5 hours on their mobile phones. The trend is similar in developed countries like Canada, UK, Germany, France, The USA, etc. As a result the exposure to radiation has increased multifold resulting in several health hazards such as increased stress, headache, body ache, hair loss, etc. Amongst these, the most visible side effect of modern lifestyle has been the hair loss issue. In fact, as per the American Hair Loss Association nearly 66 percent men will experience hair thinning before the age of 35 years. It is also estimated than nearly 80 percent people will lose hair once in their life time. While, it is a natural phenomenon, excessive hair loss is a worrying sign. Thus, it is recommended that people across all age groups should resort to natural medication such as Chinese treatment for hair loss. These medicines make use of herbs which means patients do not have to worry about side effects.


The next step in this process is treatment. TCMPLUS practitioners with their years of experience in treating qi deficiency take into account all aspects before initiating the treatment. Once this is done, the customized treatment starts which includes.

  • Traditional Chinese herbs – These are effective, efficient and have no side effects.
  • Nutritional therapy –This includes complete overall or modification of eating habits, diet plan, elimination of some foods, etc.
  • Exercise
  • Lifestyle changes, etc.

In summary, with TCM, patients are assured of lasting and effective Qi (Chi) treatment.

However, it must be noted that TCM hair loss treatments can prove effective only if patients adhere to all conditions prescribed during the treatment stage. This includes diet plan, medicinal dos and don’ts, lifestyle modifications, etc.

Chinese herbal medicine hair growth is an assured treatment for a confident life provided people are patient and not looking for quick fix solutions. These medicines offer long term relief from hair loss problems. Hence, practitioners advise people to continue using Chinese herbs till this issue is fully resolved and hair growth gains traction.

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